Symbiotic fermentation

In this blog, we’ll demystify what symbiotic fermentation is and the importance of adding meals made from symbiotic foods to our diet.

Symbiotic fermentation is a traditional and natural process of fermentation of plants made from a symbiosis of a multitude of good bacteria and good yeasts. Symbiotic fermentation is very similar to what happens naturally in our intestinal flora. Indeed, our intestinal flora contains trillions of microorganisms. However, through recent studies, we have found that it is not just the number of microorganisms in our gut that is important, but also its diversity. In order to have a strong immune system, a person will have between 200 and 1000 different microorganisms. Each of them will have different features that will help us maintain good overall and gut health. In summary, each of these microorganisms, which are essential for the health of the human body, will create different nutrients which will have the role of nourishing our intestinal flora. This is why it is important to consume products with a great diversity of nutrients.


What we eat every day plays an important role in our gut health!

The best-known example of symbiotic fermentation is kombucha, which is a tea fermented by a symbiosis of bacteria and yeasts.

Today, thanks to a symbiotic fermentation process, we have the capacity to ferment more than fifty botanicals. Several plants such as Turmeric, Milk Thistle and Ashwagandha are known for their medicinal properties, but the human body is not adapted to digest them easily. We would need 2 stomachs to digest them naturally. Thus, fermentation will help predigest molecules with health benefits that come from plants. This will allow the body to assimilate them much more easily while saving energy. Symbiotic fermentation succeeds in transforming plant molecules and making nutrients available for absorption by humans, which leads to real, effective and natural solutions to revolutionize the food world.

This helps reduce calories, eat better while enjoying what you eat. It is the fridge of the future.